Here's a great summer feel good song! It will lower body temp at least 10 degrees while listening. lol
Have you ever wondered why some fruit is in season in the summer, and then others aren't ready until winter? Mother nature chooses foods to help with what our body's need at different times of the year.
Watermelon, cantalope, peaches, plums, Strawberries, Kiwi's, berries.....and don't forget the lime in the coconut ( and drink it all up ) All of these foods contain high amounts of water and are great to help flush out toxins in the body and to help keep body temps lower.
Try serving a huge fruit salad for dinner. It's great for entertaining, and the whole family will love you for it. Make extra so you can have salad in the morning. If you add bananas in your salad, be sure to have pineapple juice or lemon juice in so the bananas don't brown. I love to ad shredded coconut in with some walnuts.
Experiment with your different fruits, and be creative. Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors.
Drink to good health...and stay cool.
My mom's and Janell's stuff is amazing. I had a ton of scratches and stuff from a faceplant I did and we put X-tracting on it and it was better in 1 week. It was so cool!