Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fatigue in the 21st century

Are you a victim of over abusing your body? Do you drag yourself into bed at night, and then 5 to 6 hours later, you are dragging your butt out of bed? Why are we in such a hurry to rush our life away? Well, as so many people, I fall in this same catagory.

The conference in New Mexico that I just attented, "The Traditions in Western Folk Herbalism", really opened my eyes to many new things. First off...I need to slow down in my life and smell the roses! I need to take time and enjoy my surroundings. I wake up in the mornings and grab a diet coke to help wake my body up. It's a wonder my body is still working.

In my practice, I see a lot of people who come to me in very slow motion. They are lacking energy, with body aches from head to toes. They have been sent away from their Medical Dr's with handfuls of prescriptions saying it's all in their heads, that there is nothing wrong with their health. As I start working with my clients, I investigate their life patterns, and it is obvious that they are suffering from extreme fatigue.

What is fatigue? Is it in the health catagories as: Fibromyagia...Chronic Fatigue...Depression...Exhausted Adrenals... In my personal opionion, it all falls into the same catagory! We are buring the candle at both ends, and the flame has just burned out!
In the next few blogs, I am going to address many natural approaches that we can do to nourish ourselves back to normal balance. It's going to require healthy nutrition, exercise, and vitamins and herbal potions.

For today, I would like to challenge everyone to go for a walk around your neighborhood. Get some fresh air. Take your dog or your loved one with you. Enjoy your surroundings. Take in the scenery. Stop and literally smell the flowers or bushes along your path.

Before going to bed, take a hot and cold shower. It helps get the blood flowing and helps strengthen the immune system. Hot and cold water therapy has been used for thousands of years with amazing results. Hippocrates the Father of Natural healing was known for his knowledge of hot and cold water applications. Alternating hot and cold water is a great body balancer. Hot water draws old and tired blood out of the internal organs and helps with circulation and opens up the pores to pull out toxins. Cold water sends fresh blood back to the organs and nourishes the core of the body. You should do a couple of cycles of hot and cold water and the finish up with the warm water. This water therapy alone has been known to help with depression and other life threatening illnesses.

After taking your walk and doing your water therapy, it's time to unwind and finish up your day with a relaxing cup of herbal tea. I reccommend herbs that have a relaxing effect such as: Kava Kava, Chammomile, Passionflower, Skullcap, Peppermint or Spearmint, Blue Vervain just to name a few. Sleepytime tea is also a popular one. Give one of them a try and find your favorite. Add honey or Agave Nectar to taste. If you are still needing a little extra relaxation supplement, try rubbing Kava Calm Balm on your feet to help bring about grounding the body. Try rubbing the balm and or Lavender Kava Calm Lotion on and around the neck to relax stressed out muscles and to help the body relax. The herb Kava is a great muscle relaxer, and with it being the number one ingredient in the balm it penetrates in for fast acting muscle relaxer. Give it a try tonight. You will be amazed of how good you will feel.

Take care, and watch for more blogs on Fatigue.

Monday, September 13, 2010

New and upcoming projects

As you can tell by the picture... We are venturing out in the world of soap. It's good clean fun! We've taken our soap process one step further and we're incorporating our popular oils from our balms to our soaps to bring anti fungal and anit bacterial protection for the whole family. What else could you ask for? OK...for folks like me who don't like to rise with the chickens, I'm creating a morning time soap to wake you up in the shower. I think we'll have to make a commercial on that one. Any volunteers? Who likes to sing in the shower? Ok...more updates on how the soap process is going. Anyone who would like some free soap (my guinea pigs...hahaha) when you make a order for Mobu products, just mention to Lena, or anyone else on the end of the phone that you want to be brave and try some soap. Come on now...try it, you'll like it. Besides, not to much in life is free. Give us a call. 877-396-6628 It's our S.O. S. soap.

Great news! The Kombucha Tea is turning out so wonderful. Billy Bob my Husband and human robot taste tester and big time guinea pig just loves sippin on the "Booch" tea. He has not had any indigestion since drinking his 2 to 4 oz everyday. It is so nice to have his 3:00 AM ritual of tossing and turning reaching for his antacids finally gone. So for all of you who suffer with the indigestion and upset tummy,you should really think about giving Kombucha Tea a try.

It's back to school for me. I'm off to New Mexico for Herbal conference. I'm looking so forward to this. Great teachers who continue to inspire me today. Here's their website with all the details:

Have a great week. Thanks for following. Let me know if there's anything I can blog about. I'm never loss of words. lol.

Here's to your good health. Cheers!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Kombucha Tea

Kombucha Tea has been really getting a lot of media attention lately due to the fact that all brews have been taken off the shelves at all health food stores. What's the big to do about this mystery brew that is fermented by a odd looking form of a mushroom? Is there really any truth about alcohol being the reason it was pulled off the store shelves? curiosity got the best of me this last week. I have delved into the deep blue sea of Kombucha Tea and really did my homework. What was the fuss about this tangy sour fermented brew? Is it the wonder brew that everyone says it is?
I was lucky enough to find one last bottle of Kombucha Tea in one of the local health food stores refrigerated area. Citrus Flavor. Ok. Be careful I tell myself. Warnings on the bottle...Do not shake! I slowly open the bottle and much to my surprize.....volcanic eruption...This stuff explodes! Combustion power!!! After digging in the glove box for napkins to clean up my carelessness, I decided to take a swig. MMMMM...Not Bad. It definately had a sour taste, kind-of hard to compare to anything else I've tasted. It definately didn't taste like Tea I've ever tasted, and I'm a big time tea drinker. I've heard others compare it to Beer. I find it hard to compare to beer, because I can't even stand the smeel let alone the taste of beer. (Besides gathering up the stale beer and washing my hair)

Couple hours later, I'm still full of energy, no mid day slump, no nap time needed, and no need of caffeine. By-the feeling of alcohol in the Kombucha Tea. I would have felt it, cuz I'm pretty sensitive to things like that. My luck I would have been pulled over for a DUI if it had alcohol in it.

To make a fermented story short...let's just say... I just received my Scogie in the mail. It's my baby mushroom and I'm ready to start Kombuchin it! I have my brew on and in 7 to 10 days, I'm going to be ready to bottle it!. I love new projects. I will post lots of pictures and results later. Yum-O....I'm excited!

Have a great Labor Day Holiday. Cheers!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

our first commercial

We are very excited to have our first aired commercial starting in the Phoenix area. Our Slim Wrap products work fabulous on the fleshy areas you desire to shrink away. My daughter after her pregnacy started using Slim Balm to help fade away the stretch marks. Guess what? You would never be able to tell she ever had a baby. Skin back to normal. Looks great! The Slim Stick Lip Balm works great for those afternoon sugar cravings and blood sugar drop. Quick energy boost with one swipe on your lips. Green Tea and Yerba Mate give you the qucik energy boost, while the infusion of the Gymnema stops your sugar cravings on contact! Stick a piece of your favorite sugar free gum in your mouth and POOF your sugar cravings will have left the building!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pizza can be Healthy and Yummy!!!

Have you ever been home at night, kicked back in a reclining position, when all of the sudden you see a pizza commercial on t.v. , and you are spell bound into jumping up and calling the number for fast free delivery? After you awake from the carbohydrate nightmare, your body is in shock from such abuse. Not so much from eating the pizza, but from earlier that day working out at the gym, and then from eating like a bird all day long. The night time splurging can really be a killer on the body. I am definitely a victim of this abuse. A saying that I've always liked...second on the lips, forever on the hips...

Marrying into the Cole Family presented lots of fun! The Cole's are famous for their Cole's Angels Pizza, and Satan Sandwiches. Food has always been the focal point of lots of get together. Most of us are very good eaters with weight issues and other health issues. My in-laws have had to sell the pizza business due to my Mother in laws health struggles and now the restaurant is just but a memory.

Today is great day for all of us to get together and make pizza. The pizzas are made often and the recipes will definitely carry down with our children for many generations to come.

Pizza can be a fun and healthy adventure for the whole family to participate in.
White doughy pizza crust can be substituted for whole grain healthy crust. Good choices of meat can replace fatty Salomi's and peperoni's, and also not contain the harmful nitrates and MSG known to be heavy laden in these fatty deli meats.
Veggies can decorate and brighten the pizza to being a show piece. Low-Fat Mozzarella Cheese can offer good protein and a good source of calcium. Here's a sample of what a healthy and yummy pizza could be:

Whole Grain Crust:1 Tab Yeast in 1 cup warm water with 1T. Honey. Add 2 1'2 cups whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup oatmeal, and 2Tab of Flax seed meal. Add 1teaspoon salt(optional), 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil. Mix into a ball. Knead for 2 mins then put in bowl and let it set for 45 mins until it doubles in size.

Pizza Sauce: 16 oz can of tomato sauce. 1t. each of: garlic, onion powder, oregano, basil, rosemary and parsley. Splash of Olive Oil. Put on stove until it boils, and take off stove. Let flavors of the herbs soak into the sauce. Red peppers are optional but are a nice addition to the sauce.

Toppings: Grilled Chicken slices- Flank Steak Slices - or any low fat meat of choice. There are also low fat Ham choices, just look for the ones with no additional preservatives.
Veggies: Mushrooms, Olives, Bell Peppers, Spinach, Tomatoes, Squash, onions ,artichoke hearts, broccoli....possibilities are endless.....

Don't forget to add your cheese....Bake 425 degrees til cheese melts.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Good news from our satisfied customers

Wow...I can't believe school has already started, and this month is almost half over. Life has thrown me unexpected stress and thrills. My husband and I finally decided to move closer to his work. Hello big city!. Moving from the small town of Thatcher, AZ to big city lights of Phoenix has really been a change. I've always been the big city girl, so I welcome the big excitement of what a large city has to offer. I think it's also easier to eat healthy in the big city. So many stores to choose healthy organic choices. I feel like a kid in a candy store. If any of you have any suggestions for healthy cooking, I would love to know about it.

I have had alot of good feed-back lately from Mobu Herbals products. One gentleman approached Lena and told of his accident this last weekend. He told her he had road raged his face up and was all scuffed up. His wife immediately started putting S.O.S. Balm on him, and he instantly found relief, and three days he has no sign of the accident ever happening.

Another guy was involved with his 4 wheeler rolling on him(men play rough) and the muffler burning his leg. After coming back from ER, his wife used her female persuasion to apply A.M. Pain Balm on the burn. Next morning there was only redness and the pain was gone. Later that day he called his wife at work and asked where the stuff was? She said what stuff? From the hospital...No..that herbal stuff. I love hearing stories like this. It makes all the worry and fuss from daily business stuff worth it all.

Thanks for your continued loyalty and to all the good news we hear from you all.

Friday, July 9, 2010

SKIN! Your largest organ of the body

Did you know that your skin is your largest organ in your body? I know it's kind-of hard to even imagine your skin part of a organ, but we can compare it so you will understand. Take your car for a moment....your car wouldn't go too far without a engine? Right? Now picture your hot rod engine just sitting on the block with no shell to take it anywhere? Now...let's build the body like it was a car. Our skin is the shell of our car. Without it, we would have nothing to protect our engine with. Our skin takes the most beating of our body. It filters out the harmful things that can attack our body. Have you ever wondered why some people have more acne or psoriasis or eczema or other rashes? It's our body trying to rid the poisons thru our skin. Pretty fast transport too.

I have lots of people asking why I started Mobu Herbals? How did you come up with applying topical applications to penetrate thru the skin?
My answer is this: I came up with this solution thru pure desperation. I was seeing lots of clients were who coming to me for parasite infestation. It seemed like all the herbs that I would give them orally would just pass right thru their body, unable to assimilate anything. I started taking my recipes that I would put in capsule form or tincture form and started infusing the herbs into olive oil. WoW.....WoW....How fast results came. I guess I never thought how fast the skin could transport something. Much to my excitement it's pretty fast to get healing formulas into the body.

Since this old tradition is back (popular in the biblical days of anointing herbs and oils) and now here in the 21st century I would like to encourage everyone to be more aware of things that go in and out of the body. When you start to notice the skin breaking out...drink extra pure lots of fresh veggies and fruits to help your body heal itself naturally. If you are experiencing pain use topical balms instead of reaching for pain medicine. Be good to your skin and it will provide protection to you for a long time. There are lots of topical solutions for your every need from Mobu Herbals. Shea Butter for natural sun block to natural lip balms to keep your lip moist. Vitality Balm and lotion for you to increase your energy naturally. Please avoid drinking energy drinks. So many young people are having increased heart beats, and heart problems due to the consumption of these drinks. It your tired, take a nap..drink a cup of green tea..lots of options out there.

Have a great week-end. Be safe. Drink lots of water, and be kind to your body.