Friday, July 9, 2010

SKIN! Your largest organ of the body

Did you know that your skin is your largest organ in your body? I know it's kind-of hard to even imagine your skin part of a organ, but we can compare it so you will understand. Take your car for a moment....your car wouldn't go too far without a engine? Right? Now picture your hot rod engine just sitting on the block with no shell to take it anywhere? Now...let's build the body like it was a car. Our skin is the shell of our car. Without it, we would have nothing to protect our engine with. Our skin takes the most beating of our body. It filters out the harmful things that can attack our body. Have you ever wondered why some people have more acne or psoriasis or eczema or other rashes? It's our body trying to rid the poisons thru our skin. Pretty fast transport too.

I have lots of people asking why I started Mobu Herbals? How did you come up with applying topical applications to penetrate thru the skin?
My answer is this: I came up with this solution thru pure desperation. I was seeing lots of clients were who coming to me for parasite infestation. It seemed like all the herbs that I would give them orally would just pass right thru their body, unable to assimilate anything. I started taking my recipes that I would put in capsule form or tincture form and started infusing the herbs into olive oil. WoW.....WoW....How fast results came. I guess I never thought how fast the skin could transport something. Much to my excitement it's pretty fast to get healing formulas into the body.

Since this old tradition is back (popular in the biblical days of anointing herbs and oils) and now here in the 21st century I would like to encourage everyone to be more aware of things that go in and out of the body. When you start to notice the skin breaking out...drink extra pure lots of fresh veggies and fruits to help your body heal itself naturally. If you are experiencing pain use topical balms instead of reaching for pain medicine. Be good to your skin and it will provide protection to you for a long time. There are lots of topical solutions for your every need from Mobu Herbals. Shea Butter for natural sun block to natural lip balms to keep your lip moist. Vitality Balm and lotion for you to increase your energy naturally. Please avoid drinking energy drinks. So many young people are having increased heart beats, and heart problems due to the consumption of these drinks. It your tired, take a nap..drink a cup of green tea..lots of options out there.

Have a great week-end. Be safe. Drink lots of water, and be kind to your body.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Those pesty guest that suck the life out of the party!

Happy 4th of July

I hope everyone has been enjoying the festivities that the 4th brings....Hot Dogs...Hamburgers....Watermelon.....Fireworks....Family and Friends.....Temps soaring in the 100's.......and last but not least......Mosquitoes!!!!! Who invited them anyways?

Living in Arizona, we have special alerts of conditions to be aware of. We have already been notified, that the West Nile is being spread by those blood sucking bugs!!!! Good news, we can use precautions to help avoid the spread of this plague. Any standing water needs to be dumped out. After rain storms, make sure no puddles of water is left to stagnate. If you are going to be outdoors during the evening when mosquitoes are present, light a citronella candle. This smell alone sends those bugs flying elsewhere. There is bug repellents to spray on, or for the organic at heart...there's herbal sprays and lotions to put on to help repel the bugs off.

When you are cooking outdoors, make sure to keep food covered at all times. This is another way germs can be spread. After all the guest are though eating, put the unused portions of food away. Be extra careful of sweet fruits and dessert items which attract all kinds of bugs. Try to keep these foods covered or in the cooler or in the house to avoid extra guest buzzing around you.

If you are prone to get bug bites, one preventive measure could be adding 100 mg of Vit B Complex to your morning breakfast. Most people report that bugs do not bother you if you have Vit B in your blood. The bugs just move on to the next person.

When you are done for the evening and you find that you have lots of bites on you, avoid scratching them and apply X-tracting Balm from Mobu Herbals. The burn or the itch will go away, and in the morning your bumps from the bites should be gone.

Last weekend, my husband and I were going to a banquet with friends. We were driving down the freeway, when all of the sudden he started doing the potty dance like he was going nuts. He pulled the truck over, and ripped off his shirt....and out fell a scorpion! After the adrenaline rush was over, we examined the sting site, and he had been stung 6 times. His whole stomach was red hot, hard and burning. He started feeling dizzy and sick to his stomach. I immediately put X-Tracting Balm on him, along with giving him Benadryl, and what he noticed is the burning instantly stopped. 2 lessons learned for that trip. 1. Always check your shirt for hitchhikers, and never leave home without X-Tracting. It's a first aid ointment that needs to be in every first aid kit.

Cheers to a great 4th of July.